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Tell us Why Boxing?Hello everyone I would like to first thank you for stopping by the Why Boxing page. Every once in awhile I get an email that really touches my heart. People telling me their stories about why they want to learn to box or why they did. Some of my favorite stories I have heard are about how boxing has changed the lives of individuals as it did for me. So I thought how great would it be if I built a page so people could share their stories with the world. We will also be giving out a set of hand wraps and boxing gloves to the top stories. Simply fill out the form below to submit your story. I look forward to reading it. Tyler
Have A Great Boxing Story please share it?Do you have a great boxing story? Tell us why did you learn to box? Or why do you want to learn? Or has boxing changed your life? We would love to hear from you and so would so many others. What Other Visitors Have SaidClick below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
bully box preparation
I'm a Girl.... Fight like a girl.
why i learned boxing
Over coming Depression and the blame game
Belive in yourself
Sick of the Courtroom - Sick of Life
Why would I want to box? Well
My Motivation
Forfilling my dream |