Why would I want to box? Well

by Austin Bush
(Allrn,Texas,United states)

Ive always been the small kid and will probably will be the small kid. When I was yonger I always watched dragon ball z which is this cartoon where it's basically fighting and I always dreamed of being big and strong like the cartoon but it turned out to be the complete opposite I'm 16 now almost 17 and weigh about 105 and about 5 foot 10. Ive ran track and played soccer my whole life but everytime I see boxing on tv or a movie the desire to box comes back. I don't have the money to go boxing and trying to learn more about it. This website has helped me a lot and hope 200 dollars I have saved up can last me a good while and get me started. Thanks for reading about my story.


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Oct 19, 2015
The goal NEW
by: www.essay-writing-place.com

Thanks for the story. You are so sincere. I also had a problem with money. That's why I began writing about boxing, as I didn't have the opportunity to go in for boxing due to the lack of money. It helps me now. I'm writing reviews, essays, other papers on boxing and I feel great.

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