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Fighting CancerThis section of boxing for life is not one of excitement or thrills. It is a cold and miserable reality. This reality is one of biggest fights that we as a civilization face. This section is to tell my story and to introduce my idea for a charity that I am in the process of starting. Ever since I can remember I have always seen myself as being blessed. The reason I feel this way is for the opportunity to spend as much time as I have with my sister.
When my sister was 6 years old before I was even born she was diagnosed with cancer. My mother was told her daughter had a brain tumor and that they gave her less than a year to live. The type of cancer was known as medulloblastoma a brain tumor in the center of the brain.
Yet here we sit almost 25 years later and she is still with us still fighting. Now I have met some strong fighters in my life who had a lot of will and determination always willing to go the extra round. Yet I have never met anyone who has been in a 25 year fight and still winning to me that is a true fighter and that is the reason I am starting this charity.
When I was a child times were hard when it came to money because of the large amount of medical bills that my family had. So I did not have a lot of the luxuries growing up but that was fine because I had my sister.
So what Boxing for Life charity is trying to accomplish is to raise money for the families of children who have developed cancer. Also to try and provide some comfort during the rehabilitation process such as stuffed animals or wigs.
I am currently in the process of becoming incorporated in the state of Illinois.
Check back often for updates and remember fighting cancer is a fight no one should have to make alone.
Tyler Also if you would like to share your stories email me at Tyler@boxing-for-Life.com.
If you would like to personally donate to our friends at Locks for Love another wonderful organization. Read thier mission statement below then click on image for more information on how to donate. Mission Statement Our mission is to return a sense of self, confidence and normalcy to children suffering from hair loss by utilizing donated ponytails to provide the highest quality hair prosthetics to financially disadvantaged children. ![]() |